Critique of B School Admissions Formula

B School Admissions Formula is a blog that specializes in helping graduates get into their preferred post graduate programs with the best and most interesting admissions essays and tight and professional resumes.
The blog is designed for university applicants who want to get into a good MBA program. It is divided into several categories, among them the personal blogs of MBA students and their experiences with the company and their MBA programs. There is also a category for admission consultants, a GMAT section, and a section for student bloggers. The GMAT section is a useful resource for everything GMAT, from how to access online GMAT reviews and acing the test with the site?s GMAT updated reviewers to daily advice on how to survive test day.
Advice and how-to tips are only some of the things this blog is good at. One can get advice on how to write an interesting application essay, advice on who you should choose to write you a recommendation letter, instructions on how to interpret the GMAT average scores of top business schools, as well as advice on spotting common mistakes among MBA application essays.
What makes this blog special
The blog is not like any other admissions company because it is a collaboration of blog creators and admissions officers and students. Links to student blogs can be found on the left-hand corner of the homepage right below the drop-down tab for Publications. The testimonials section is also another section you will not often find in blogs such as these.
Areas for improvement
School admissions programs have always been notorious for being bland and tawdry and this one is no exception. The blog is easy to navigate, although its design and layout leans toward the sparse and the lean, with no visual stimulation whatsoever with its pale blue fonts and white minimalist background. It is visually similar in appearance to the New York Times layout with none of the pictures and different sizes and styles of font to break the dull monotony.


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